Blends for Friends (Multiple) —
Everyone loves a cuppa, but how much do you actually know about what you're drinking? Their Master Tea Blender has tasted over a million cups of tea... and counting — not bad considering that the average person will drink 50,000 cups in their lifetime. After learning about the history, origin, manufacture and different styles, we tasted a combination of 24 teas, learned the art of slurping and spitting (all in the best possible taste) and took a custom blend home.
T2 (Multiple) — It is hard to walk by this storefront without going in. T2 features rows of beautiful displays of teas along with colorful teapots, cups and countless tea accessories. The staff is friendly, helpful and go of their way for you to feel welcome. With over 200 teas to choose from (and try), T2 is a fun place to visit over and over again.